Now since I haven't posted in oh around 10 months please excuse any errors that might be in this post. But this last year has been a consistently changing environment that has shaped not only my life but the lives of some of the people closest too me. To begin the year I'll leave off around March of 2012. I was over joyed to say the least when Ryan told me he was planning on coming up to Bemidji to go to NWTC, the community college just miles from BSU. All I could think about was the kinds of trouble he and I were going to get into. We signed a lease on a house in Bemidji with Katie and then had two random roommates who so far have been anything but pleasant. However we all have seemingly been able to get over the hurdles that have stood in the way and made this place livable.
A major decision that I made was that I needed to take a little bit of time to gather my thoughts and figure out exactly what I wanted to do with my life. You may say that's what college is for......... Well I think I would rather not spend 8 grand figuring out what I want to do. So fall semester of 2012 came around and I began working full time at Home Depot in Bemidji. It's not nearly as awesome as I thought it would be, it began to bring major stress into my life with pressures coming from family on answers about school to just finding a reason to go in to a place that eats you up, chews on you for several hours each day and then spits you out with no thank your or anything. So once again here I sit trying to decided if I want to become a teacher like I have always planned or try something different and see where those ventures might lead.

Frankly I have changed in my four plus years of college. I have become a person who I wouldn't be able to pick out in a crowd if I had to. And for what its worth that might be a good thing in some ways and in others it might not seem so favorable. But that's what this world is about. Growing and adapting to the surrounds that you are placed in. Making the place you are the place you want to be. Is that place Bemidji most likely not it could be the best place in the world for some and for others it could be a metaphoric prison that their parole hearings hadn't come up yet. But the day will come and those it traps will be free.
I've often heard this line and it never really clicked for the longest time but now I seem to slightly be getting my head around it.
If you want to make God laugh tell him your plans.
I'm sure he has been laughing for a while at my plans. Oh well everyone needs a laugh here and there.